
Theatricality and Audience in Contemporary Theatre

As increasing number of the world population is vaccinated against COVID-19, we feel much safer than last year. Yet, concerns remain in East Asian countries, given lower vaccination rates and the advent of Delta variant. Although we hope to return to pre-COVID times, we understand the future will look different. In particular, the theater space has experienced a multitude of changes caused by the pandemic, including months of theater closure, performances with no or limited audience, and live online streaming of performances, which may continue to shape the path for theater moving forward.

While we do acknowledge that majority of recent changes in theater were fueled by the pandemic, some of these changes in theatrical experience resulted from the inevitable turn of the age, i.e., the digital transition. The digital transition has reconstructed the concept of theatricality and its audience, drastically shifting our perceptions that have been set since the beginning of theater. Can we regard an online streamed performance as theater? In the age of multi-reality, is there a different type of theatrical experience that is not present in an in-person experience? Will the younger, digital-native generation visit theatre for an in-person performance in the future? Keeping these questions in mind, we propose “Theatricality and Audience in Contemporary Theatre” as the theme for the 9th International Asian Theatre Studies Conference. Given the changes that contemporary theatre is undergoing, examining theatricality and audience is integral. 

Under the overarching theme of “Theatricality and Audience,” students are invited to freely choose their paper topics. Papers on topics beyond the proposed theme are welcome as well, even if the topic is not closely related to the impacts of the pandemic on theater. Any paper on dramatic or theatrical phenomenon of modern and contemporary theatre is welcome. Ultimately, we expect to examine the relationship of theatre and society in the age of change and to understand what the future theater may look like. 

Given the continued risks of COVID-19, this year’s conference will be held online as well. Detailed guide on the method of online presentation and instructions for the online conferencing platform will be announced later. 


  • Confirmation of Attendance: 15 August, 2021
  • Instruction: Please confirm the number of paper(s) submitted by your school.
  • Paper Submission: 15 October, 2021
    • Instruction: Please submit an Abstract (not to exceed 200 words) and a brief biography including your affiliation (not to exceed 100 words). Papers are not to exceed 3,500-4,000 words, including citations. 

Contact Information

If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us using the information below. 

  • Point of contact: Mihee Kim, Professor of Theatre Studies, School of Drama, Korea National University of Arts
  • Email: miheekmkk@naver.com
  • Address: 146-37 Hwarang-ro 32-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Republic of Korea, 02789
